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How to choose an oil press
Flaxseed contains up to 56% alpha-linolenic acid, mainly used in China as a pressed flaxseed oil for consumption, can be converted into important substances in the human body DHA (brain gold) and EPA (vascular scavenger), is essential for human health essential fatty acids, gradually known and consumed by the public in China.
Technology process
Flaxseed contains up to 56% alpha-linolenic acid, mainly used in China as a pressed flaxseed oil for consumption, can be converted into important substances in the human body DHA (brain gold) and EPA (vascular scavenger), is essential for human health essential fatty acids, gradually known and consumed by the public in China.

To retain these beneficial nutrients contained in flaxseed intact to achieve the effect of health, the extraction of flaxseed oil is of paramount importance, from the selection of raw materials to the process of pressing and the method of consumption, all need layers of gatekeepers. One of the most popular concerns about the pressing process, the use of flaxseed oil presses to extract their own oil has become the first choice, but its brand miscellaneous, how to choose it?

Cold pressed and hot pressed

Now the market is divided into flaxseed presses with their own frying pan and the use of advanced systems for preheating two.

Cold press is not fried in the frying pan before pressing the oil only three minutes to preheat the press, with pure natural characteristics, to avoid the adverse effects of traditional high-temperature oil processing, not only retains the natural flavor and color of the oil, but also the complete preservation of the physiologically active substances in the oil (α-linolenic acid, lignans, dietary fiber, etc.)

Hot pressing is the first oil in the extraction of oil after cleaning, crushing and then high-temperature heating treatment, most of the vegetable oil consumed in daily life is hot pressed oil, hot pressing high oil yield, but the destruction of the oil cells, denaturing the protein, reducing the viscosity of oil.

Whether it is a true cold pressing technology

Flaxseed oil pressing process is the reason why the most attention, mainly because the biggest characteristic of flaxseed oil is not high temperature, and most of the finished flaxseed oil sold on the market today is high temperature batch pressing, flaxseed in the human body as early as the loss of beneficial ingredients in the high temperature decomposition, there is no nutritional value.

Oil yield

The oil press is partly dependent on the oil yield, a good oil press can maximize the use of the original oil content rather than waste, love to help the oil press oil yield up to 95% of the original oil content. Variable speed motor, according to the size of flaxseed raw materials to adjust the speed, flaxseed oil temperature is lower, the oil yield is higher.
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